How to Permanently Get Rid of Weeds in Driveway

Published Categorized as Weed Control
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WEEDS GROWING on sidewalks, patios, and driveways is a common annoyance and eyesore. This is because permanently eliminating weeds like crabgrass from the driveway is difficult. If you don’t deal with them properly, they keep reappearing, becoming a common maintenance task for homeowners. Read this blog post to the end to learn how to permanently get rid of weeds or at least how to kill grass in gravel driveway for good.

Also read: How to Fix a Gravel Driveway Overgrown with Grass

There has been a debate about bleach vs roundup for weeds for driveway weeds. However, To permanently get rid of weeds in the driveway, apply chemical weed killer, use boiling water, or remove the weeds manually. Also, reseal the pavement and apply rock salt in driveway cracks.

Using these methods, you can avoid dealing with driveway weeds all year round, whether in asphalt, gravel, or concrete.

Now, let’s talk about how to get rid of grass in driveway cracks. Here are the five unique ways to kill driveway weeds:

5 Ways to Kill Weeds in Driveway

How to Permanently Get Rid of Weeds in Driveway

1. Apply a long-lasting chemical weed killer

If you want to permanently exterminate weeds in your driveway, use a long-lasting weed killer. It stays in the soil for at least one year and prevents new weeds from reappearing.

However, spray the weeds in gravel and paved areas only but not in gardens and lawns. This solution will affect other plants in your yard and prevent them from growing again in that area. Nevertheless, a long-lasting weed killer is safer than salt.

2. Use boiling water

The simplest and most efficient method of killing driveway weeds is boiling water. It permanently eliminates many weeds in pathways since it reaches and kills even the taproots.

The method has no harmful long-term impacts and is safer than other hazardous herbicides. However, you must be careful not to harm yourself and grass with boiling water.

3. Manual removal

How to Permanently Get Rid of Weeds in Driveway

You can manually remove weeds from the driveway using your hands or a tool. Weeding tools, like a long-handled weeder, are designed for this work which exterminates weeds from concrete cracks easily and quickly.

This method solves the weed issue quickly and doesn’t require chemicals. Additionally, hand-weeding removes weeds to the root, hence eliminating them. However, the method is temporary.

4. Apply rock salt

Salt is a cheap and effective method of eliminating stubborn driveway weeds permanently. You can spread rock salt on the weeds, mix it with hot water, and spray the affected areas.

For the solution to be effective, use a concentrated salt solution. Be careful not to kill the nearby grass.

5. Reseal the pavement

Weeds can only propagate where there are pavement cracks. To prevent these unwanted plants from developing, you must seal the cracks using fresh concrete, making it the fifth easy way to remove weeds from the driveway.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do I permanently remove weeds in a gravel driveway?

A: Rock salt is the best natural and super-effective weed killer that is excellent at removing weeds in gravel driveways. Sprinkle salt on the areas infested with weeds and watch as the weeds die in a few days. However, do not use Epsom Salt (pictured below).

Related: How to Apply Epsom Salt on Grass

Q: Does vinegar kill weeds permanently?

A: Vinegar is acidic but only kills weed leaves or broadleaf weeds. This means that the solution will kill leaves and leave the roots unharmed, thus developing into more irritating weeds rapidly. For permanent weed removal, mix vinegar and salt, as the salt dries out even the roots.


It’s annoying to see weeds growing in pathways and driveways since they are stubborn. To eliminate them permanently is a difficult task.

Use the following ways to permanently get rid of weeds in the driveway:

·   Apply a long-lasting chemical weed

· Use boiling water,

·   Remove the weeds manually,

·   Apply rock salt or reseal the pavement.

However, as you kill grass in gravel driveway, you must be careful not to destroy grass and other plants in the garden when using these methods.