Bermuda Seed Heads Good or Bad: Revealed Facts

Published Categorized as Lawn Care
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Everybody wants a beautiful and lush lawn. However, it is always the case. Ground moles and other creepy pests can invade your yard and destroy what you have worked on for many years. But when it comes to grass, especially warm-season grass, it is important to ask if Bermuda seed heads are good or bad.

Bermuda seed heads are bad because, in most cases, the seed head stalk is thinner than the leaf blade. Seed heads give the turf the appearance of unhealthy grass with poor density. 

Bermuda grass is also said to have been selected by a group of grass breeders who wanted grass that produced fewer seedheads than conventional Bermuda grasses.

But let’s look at this question further.

Are Bermuda Seed Heads Good or Bad?

It may appear normal for Bermuda grass to produce seed heads because many plants have them, including some types of grass. Bermuda grass grows seed heads during spring or when summer is about to arrive. 

Whenever your grass shows seed heads, it indicates the grass is stressed. Many breeders believe the stress could be associated with a lack of enough water during the hot season or other grass-related health issues.

Some of the major reasons why Bermuda grass produces seed heads include:

  • Soil compaction
  • Inappropriate watering
  • Incorrect soil temperature
  • Inappropriate mowing
  • Insufficient fertilizer
  • Shades

Before your Bermuda grass produces seed heads, it will show you some signs, such as discoloration. In normal circumstances, seed heads are brown, with the seeds showing purple. 

Once the seed heads discolor, they make your lawn look thinner and unhealthier and lose its beautiful, dense, inviting green color.

So, you may want to watch how you water your grass during spring or as you approach summer. Overwatering or excessive rain in the spring, combined with temperature fluctuations, can be a major cause of seed heads on your Bermuda grass.

Rather than feeling angry about your grass, take the production of seed heads as a warning sign. Whenever you see seed heads, know that these three things are possible:

  • Your grass is stressed – plants show signs of stress, like animals and humans. The presence of seed heads in your Bermuda grass indicates that the grass or the surrounding area is under some stress. You can reduce the amount or apply fertilizer if it is due to excessive water or a lack of fertilizer. If the issue is irregular mowing, you can adjust your mowing routine before things go out of hand.
  • The lawn is unhealthy – unfortunately, if the seed heads result from an accumulation of many health issues, there is nothing you can do at this stage. Nonetheless, you’d have known that the seed heads of your Bermuda grass are a bad sign.
  • The grass may soon cause an allergy – seed heads produce a lot of airborne pollen. This pollen has been found to have massive allergenicity, which can cause several respiratory issues in your family. The pollen may also cause fever in some people. 

How to Avoid Bermuda Grass Seed Heads

Proper care and quality maintenance of your grass will help you avoid seed heads. To avoid Bermuda grass seed heads, you must first understand what to do and when.

Know When and How to Mow Your Bermuda Grass

Mowing your Bermuda grass at least once every seven days is advisable to eliminate pests and diseases during the grass seed growing period. Cut your lawn to 1–2 inches tall each time you mow.

Experienced breeders advise limiting your mowing to two times a week, so you keep the grass foundation strong. 

To keep your lawn tidy, clean it up after you mow it. 

Water Your Grass

Bermuda grass is one of the main warm-season lawn grasses. As such, it can thrive even under extremely hot weather conditions. So, it doesn’t need a lot of water. Bermuda grass needs 1 inch of water per week, regardless of temperature.

Water your Bermuda grass in the morning for the best results.

Apply Fertilizer

Bermuda seed heads good or bad

For Bermuda grass to be strong and healthy, you must apply a fertilizer high in nitrogen. Fertilize your Bermuda grass once every month, whether in the spring, fall, or summer. When applying fertilizer, be sure to check the manufacturer’s application guidelines.

Get Rid of Insects and Pests from Your Lawn

Occasionally, you need to spray your grass with the right herbicide. If you are struggling with weeds, apply pre-emergent herbicides such as Scotts Halts Crabgrass & Grassy Weed Preventer during spring, when temperatures are above 55 degrees Celsius. 

Bermuda Seed Heads Good or Bad

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Q: What do Bermuda seed heads mean? 

A: Seed heads on Bermuda grass indicate that the grass is under stress, such as from improper mowing, soaring soil temperature, insufficient fertilizer, excessive water, or other health issues. 

Q: How long do Bermuda seed heads last? 

A: Usually, Bermuda seed heads last 2-4 weeks. 

Q: What do you do with seed heads? 

A: There is little you can do with seed heads. You can leave them alone or restrict sanguisorba and aconitums from self-seeding. 

Q: Can you grow grass from seed heads?

A: Yes, you can grow grass from seed heads, but you must wait about four months for the seed heads to ripen. Otherwise, they will not sprout.  

To Sum U

As long as the seasons are here with us and we keep tending our lawns, the debate on Bermuda seed heads, good or bad, will continue to give us a headache. Thankfully, you already know that seed heads are a bad sign.  

Whenever seed heads appear on your grass, it is a bad sign that your grass is under stress. If you act fast, you will prevent the grass from discoloring further. But if the seed heads dominate your lawn, there is nothing you can do about it. 

Please wait for the next season, but this time, you must take the preventive measures discussed in this article.