Can I Mow and Fertilize on the Same Day?

Published Categorized as Lawn Care
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Maintaining a healthy, thick, greener lawn requires regular fertilizing and mowing. The best time to carry out these lawn care aspects is during the grass’s growing season. Sometimes the timing for these practices overlaps, and homeowners get tempted to fertilize and mow on the same day. But most of them question, can I mow and fertilize on the same day? Keep reading to find out.

You can mow and fertilize on the same day, but applying fertilizer immediately after mowing is not recommended as it causes fertilizer burn. The act can also lead to the wastage of nutrients as the rains can wash them away.

Nevertheless, if you must mow and fertilize the same day, check the weather first, clean the lawn, mow, and rake grass clumps. You can finally fertilize your lawn for the best outcome.

Can I Mow and Fertilize Same Day?

Can I Mow and Fertilize on the Same Day

Although mowing and fertilizing on the same day can be done, it isn’t recommended because of the following reasons;

i. Applying fertilizer immediately after mowing can damage or kill your grass due to fertilizer burn.

ii. The rains can also wash away nutrients if you fertilize your yard too soon after mowing.

iii. You usually cut grass blades when mowing, which stresses the turf. Fertilizing immediately after mowing will stress the turf more, causing yellowing and browning of grass.

However, if you must carry out the practices the same day, ensure you mow first before applying fertilizer. This will help remove overgrown turf and debris that may block nutrients from reaching the roots.

Follow the following steps when mowing and fertilizing on the same day for the best outcomes;

How to Mow and Fertilize on the Same Day

Can I Mow and Fertilize on the Same Day

1. Check the weather

Avoid mowing and fertilizing your lawn when it’s too hot; this can stress and burn your turf. Also, don’t schedule these tasks before a rainstorm; it can wash away the nutrients.

2. Remove debris

Clean the lawn by removing debris, leaves, and rocks to ensure the fertilizer reaches the soil.

3. Mow

Cut the grass to the proper height depending on your type of grass. Avoid mowing too low, as you can stress the turf.

4. Rake grass clumps

Distribute all grass clippings evenly across the lawn using a rake, as they can block fertilizer from reaching the ground.

5. Fertilize

You can finally fertilize your lawn to boost healthy growth. Remember to water the yard after application to encourage proper nutrient absorption into the soil.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How long after mowing can you fertilize?

A: After mowing your lawn, wait between 24 and 48 hours before applying fertilizer. This diminishes the risk of damaging your grass as you give it ample time to recover. Note; fertilizing immediately after mowing causes fertilizer burn, which can damage or kill the turf.

Q: Can I mow the lawn after fertilizing?

A: Mowing your grass immediately after fertilizing is a bad idea. You’ll waste your money, time, and effort. First, you will probably cut away most parts of grass blades where fertilizer has stuck. As a result, your lawn will have uneven fertilizer application, resulting in a patchy, uneven property.

Secondly, if you water your yard immediately after fertilizing, you’ll mow wet grass. This results in a messy and uneven cut.

Bottom Line

Mowing and fertilizing your lawn is vital to maintain a healthy, greener property. Most homeowners question whether they can mow and fertilize on the same day to save time.

The short answer is yes, but you must mow your grass before fertilizing for best results. Fertilizing directly after mowing can lead to the wastage of nutrients or cause fertilizer burn.

But if you must fertilize and mow on the same day, check the weather first, clean the lawn, and then mow. After that, rake grass clumps and finally fertilize your property.