Tenacity Before Rain Or Tenacity After Rain? (When to Apply)

Published Categorized as Weed Control
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WEEDS are a nuisance. Like ground moles, once they invade your lawn, however beautiful the garden will be, it will die within no time. Many gardeners prefer to use homemade or commercial-grade herbicides to keep weeds at bay. Tenacity is a common herbicide, so you may wonder if you can spray it on wet grass. 

You cannot spray Tenacity on wet grass because weeds only absorb mesotrione, the active ingredient in Tenacity when the grass is dry.

However, you may still want to know why you cannot spray a renowned herbicide such as Tenacity on wet grass.

Can You Apply Tenacity on After Rain?

As powerful as it may be, it is not advisable to spray Tenacity on wet grass. You can use this weed remover pre- and post-emergency when you know there will be a weed invasion. One of the best things about Tenacity is that it can kill more than 46 types of weeds.

Because of its strength, you can use Tenacity during the seeding and overseeding seasons. Tenacity is extracted from a mature bottlebrush tree. The herbicide contains mesotrione, a naturally occurring compound that hinders plant species’ photosynthesis.

The herbicide enters the plants’ system through the soots, roots, and leaves and finally reaches the phloem and xylem translocation, thus killing the plant. Experienced gardeners use this herbicide to kill weeds in their lawns and say it works effectively.

But if you are a beginner, you may find a few challenges before you get used to using the herbicide. If you are an inexperienced gardener, one of the main challenges is spraying Tenacity on wet grass.

We have found out that you cannot spray Tenacity on wet grass. Use the herbicide when the grass is dry to absorb mesotrione, the active ingredient in Tenacity.

When to Spray Tenacity on Your Lawn

Can You Spray Tenacity on Wet Grass

There is no harm in applying Tenacity before or after the planting period. Actually, tenacity rainfast time should be the practice.

The aim of using Tenacity is to prevent weeds from growing on your lawn. While you are at liberty to apply Tenacity during the pre-and post-plantation time, you have to consider the state and condition of the grass at the time of application.

Pre-emergence Application

Watering your grass is necessary during the pre-emergence application of Tenacity. Manufacturers recommend watering your lawn to a maximum of 0.2 inches within ten days of the application.

Because Tenacity is generally rainproof, the herbicide prevents crabgrass and other stubborn weeds from growing on your lawn.

For better results, use a ratio of 0.1 to 0.2 ounces of Tenacity to every gallon of water to spray 1000 square feet of lawn.

NB. Don’t spray Tenacity on newly planted grass. You should wait for at least 30 days before you apply.

Post-emergence Application

The funny thing with Tenacity is that it turns out to be rain-fast a few minutes after you apply it to grass. For good results, use Tenacity alongside a non-ionic surfactant (pictured below). As you do all these, ensure no irrigation on your grass or rainfall for at least six hours after the application.

Can You Spray Tenacity on Wet Grass

Don’t change the application process or alter the portion of the pre-emergence application. However, depending on the type of grass, you can adjust the amount of Tenacity you spray per 1,000 square feet.

For instance, some turf types, such as tall fescue, require higher amounts, while perennial ryegrass demands lower amounts of Tenacity.

What is the Right Temperature for Tenacity Application?

Can You Spray Tenacity on Wet Grass

Apply Tenacity on your grass once the soil temperature hits 55 degrees. It is likely to get good results if you try to apply Tenacity if the soil temperature is at least 55 degrees. 

There will be no problem applying Tenacity on your grass when the soil temperature is as high as 85 degrees. Apply Tenacity in soil temperatures ranging from 55 to 85 degrees.

Spraying Tenacity on your grass during spring or fall, when the soil temperature is 55 degrees, is also a good idea. This is also the right time to prepare your lawn for seeding and overseeding. 

Spray Tenacity on Wet Grass Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How long after rain can I use Tenacity?

A: You can use Tenacity on your grass 1 hour after rainfall.

Q: How long does it take for Tenacity to work?

A: Tenacity starts to work immediately, but you will see results within a few days when you notice that the weeds start to change color and eventually die.

Q: Will rain wash away Tenacity?

A: Tenacity herbicide becomes rainfast 4 hours after application. 

Q: Can you apply too much Tenacity?

A: You can apply Tenacity Herbicide several times a year as long as you don’t exceed the annual threshold of 16 oz per acre.

Final Words

You cannot spray Tenacity on wet grass because weeds absorb mesotrione, the active ingredient in Tenacity, when the grass is dry. The right time of year to apply Tenacity Herbicide is when the soil temperature lies between 55 and 85 degrees. 

However, you can apply Tenacity on your dry grass multiple times throughout the year as long as you stay within the recommended amount of 16 oz of Tenacity for an acre of lawn per year.