Pendimethalin Vs Prodiamine

Published Categorized as Weed Control
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Would you like to learn the differences between prodiamine and pendimethalin? If yes, this blog post on pendimethalin vs. prodiamine will show you the various noticeable differences, including their benefits. Read on.

Pendimethalin is principally used as pre-emergence weed control and is applied before the weeds sprout, while prodiamine is post-emergence control.

Additionally, you can effectively use pendimethalin to kill larger weeds, while prodiamine is effectual on smaller weeds.

Furthermore, pendimethalin is inexpensive as compared to prodiamine and works excellently as a granular application. However, they are both herbicides and kill weeds effectively.

Prodiamine Vs Pendimethalin: Key Differences

Although both are herbicides, the key difference between prodiamine and pendimethalin is that prodiamine is post-emergent, while pendimethalin is pre-emergent. This means you can only use pendimethalin before the weeds develop, while it’s better to use prodiamine after germination.

Prodiamine kills the root system, while pendimethalin inhibits weed seeds from sprouting. So, pendimethalin is best applied during spring before the weeds grow.

On the other hand, it is best to use prodiamine in the fall after the germination of weeds.

Likewise, pendimethalin works effectively on larger weeds, while prodiamine is excellent at eliminating smaller weeds.

Pendimethalin is also a short residual compared to prodiamine, which can stay effective for at least six months. Therefore, you may have to put in multiple applications of pendimethalin about six weeks after the first application.

Pendimethalin effectively controls a wide range of grassy and broadleaf weeds and henbit, kochia, and sandbur weeds. On the other hand, prodiamine is incredible at preventing henbit, spurge, crabgrass, chickweed, and goosegrass.

What Are the Benefits of Using Pendimethalin?

1. Pendimethalin herbicide is best for annual weeds and grasses, hence the perfect choice for lawn management.

2. It provides long-lasting weed control as it can last in the ground for about 8 to 12 weeks.

3. This herbicide is one of the safest weed control as it is less toxic to pets and humans.

4. The product is easy to apply and is compatible with all fertilizers.

What Are the Benefits of Using Prodiamine?

1. Prodiamine pre emergent has a short residual activity as it last for 4 to 6 weeks. For this reason, you can plant a few weeks after application.

2. The pre emergent prodiamine is also compatible with various herbicides.

3. It controls the germination and establishment of weeds resistant to various herbicides, such as annual bluegrass.

4. Prodiamine is safe for various ornamental grass types.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Which is better, pendimethalin vs. Prodiamine?

A: You’ll get similar results if you use both products as required. Although they have different active ingredients, their purpose is the same, which is to control weed growth. You can apply both herbicides in liquid form or as a fertilizer.

Q: What weeds does pendimethalin prevent?

A: Pendimethalin controls weeds like crabgrass, foxtail, henbit, kochia, sandbur, chickweed, knotweed, goosegrass, Oxalis, Spurge, and Poa Annua. Pendimethalin fertilizer greens up the grass and provide extended feeding.


So, there you have it! Pendimethalin vs. prodiamine key differences, usage, and benefits. Although they work excellently at the weed control job, they have unique uses.

Pendimethalin is pre-emergence weed control applied before the weeds sprout, while prodiamine is post-emergence. Additionally, you can kill larger weeds using pendimethalin, while prodiamine is effectual on smaller weeds.

Pendimethalin is inexpensive compared to prodiamine and works excellently as a granular application.

However, both of them are herbicides and can effectively control weeds on lawns if applied as directed.