Is the summer heat in full effect, and does your grass look dead or brown instead of green? Are you worried that it might be the end and your yard may not restore its former glory? Well, hang in there, as there’s still hope. Likely, your lawn is not dead. It needs caring through a few practices to restore it to life. Read on to learn how you can bring dead grass back to life in the summer.
If the lawn is not dead, you can bring dead grass back to life in the summer by understanding the problem and watering the grass regularly. After that, mow the grass, kill the weeds, aerate, and fertilize the lawn to restore its health and beauty.
How to Bring Dead Grass Back to Life in The Summer
During the summer, you might think that your brown grass is dead and impossible to revive. However, it may simply be dormant, in which case you only need to know how to revive a dead lawn using the methods listed below:
NB: You can use the pointers listed below if you are dealing with how to bring back dead grass patches.
1. Understand the cause
Your lawn may look dead due to the summer’s hot weather, pet urine, weed, pest, and disease infestation. Understanding the cause will help determine the solution. Spray the grass with herbicides if the problem is weeds and diseases. If it’s about summer weather and dog urine, water the grass consistently to revive it.
2. Mow and kill weeds
Now that your lawn is moist, mow it to encourage more grass to grow thicker and fuller. Remove the weeds as you cut, and then apply noninvasive herbicides to kill weed seeds. Note that weeds hoard nutrients and might be the reason your grass dies.
3. Aerate and fertilize
The grass may change color or die due to a lack of oxygen. Therefore, aerate your lawn for air to reach the roots and encourage grass growth. Finally, fertilize the lawn to boost the soil content and nutrients essential for growth. Remember to keep the yard moist.
All these practices will help revive your “dead” grass in a few weeks.
How Can You Keep Your Grass Alive?
Once you revive your dying grass, follow a few guidelines to keep it alive. They are as follows;
a). Water regularly to keep the ground moist. Grass can only grow fuller, thicker, and healthier with enough water. However, too much water will make the soil soggy and stimulate the roots to rot.
b). Mow your lawn once per week to keep your grass neat. Nevertheless, don’t make it too short, as this may damage your grass.
c). Fertilize every month for the first year to ensure your lawn gets vital nutrients for growth. After that, fertilize once in the fall and once during the spring.
d). Dethatch and aerate yearly to ensure that essential nutrients and water reach the ground.
e). Keep pets and children off the lawn to avoid messing with the grass as it grows. It’s worth noting that your dog’s urine is acidic and can damage your entire yard. If your pets pee in the grass, dilute the acid by watering deeply.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How long does dead grass take to regrow?
A: Dead grass will not come back to life. However, if it is dormant, it will take about six weeks to recover once you take the necessary measures.
Q: Can you seed over dead grass?
A: It’s not a good idea to reseed over dead grass. Note; the reason why your grass is dying might affect the seeds. To rejuvenate your lawn, remove the dead grass, loosen the soil, add fertilizer then install your grass. Keep it moist to boost root development.
Final Thoughts
Due to the hot summer weather, you may think your brown grass is dead. However, it might just be dormant and crying for help. You can bring it back to life by determining the cause and watering the lawn consistently. After that, mow the grass, kill the weeds, aerate, and fertilize the lawn to restore its health and green color. Remember to keep it alive by watering and mowing it regularly.