Does Soapy Water Kill Lawn Fungus? {Here’s How to Use It}

Published Categorized as Weed Control
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Is your lawn infested with unsightly fungi and insects? Let’s face it – we’ve all been there and know how hectic it is to get rid of them. Nonetheless, here is the good news – you can eliminate these fungi naturally using soapy water. But the big question is, does soapy water kill lawn fungus? Read to the end of this article to find out.

Soapy water kills lawn fungus effectively as it dries it up when applied multiple times for a few days. Add two tablespoons of laundry or dish soap to a gallon of water to make the soapy water solution. Mix the solution and spray it on fungus-infested spots. Apply it on your lawn at least twice daily until the fungi die off. However, be careful not to damage your grass as it kills every plant it touches without discrimination.

How to Use Soapy Water for Lawn Fungus

Does Soapy Water Kill Lawn Fungus

Here are the steps to follow to effectively kill lawn fungi, such as toadstools and mushrooms, using soapy water;

1. Pour a gallon of water into a bucket and add two tablespoons of laundry detergent or dish soap. Mix the solution well.

2. Aerate the soil around and next to areas infected by fungi using aerating shoes, screwdrivers, or soccer cleats. Make the holes at least 12 inches apart and 6 inches deep.

3. Put the soapy water in a spray bottle and apply it on all fungi-infected spots and aerated sections.

4. Repeat the above steps daily and apply the solution to the fungi-infected sections at least twice a day for one week. Ensure you get rid of all mushrooms and fungi in your yard.

Is Laundry Detergent an Effective Lawn Fungus Treatment?

The answer is yes; you can use laundry detergent to effectively treat your lawn for fungus. This is because the soap contains surfactants that dry out the fungi since it’s designed to make dirt and oil water-soluble.

However, be careful when using this solution, as the detergent kills all plants it comes into contact with without discrimination. Nevertheless, using a small amount of diluted detergent can help save your grass from too much surfactant damage. Therefore, avoid using concentrated, soapy water on your lawn.

It’s also advisable to use gentle dish soap instead of other powerful laundry detergents for lawn fungus treatment. The reason is that this soap doesn’t cause noticeable damage to your turf like the strong laundry detergent.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the best homemade lawn fungus treatment?

A: The most effective homemade lawn fungus treatment is baking soda. The chemical makes the environment comes into contact with alkaline, which helps to eliminate fungus. Mix the baking soda with water, spray it on your grass, or manually spread it on your yard. Dish soap is also an effective natural fungus killer.

Q: Is dishwashing liquid bad for grass?

A: Concentrated dish wash will damage your grass as it dries up the parts of turf it gets into contact with. The reason is that this detergent contains bleach and degreasing agents, which are toxic to plants.

Final Remarks

If you have mushrooms and fungi growing in your grass, you can eliminate them naturally using soapy water. But how does soapy water kill lawn fungus?

Applying the solution to your lawn repeatedly helps dry up the fungi, thus killing them. Add two tablespoons of laundry or dish soap to a gallon of water to make the solution. Mix the solution and spray it on fungus-infested spots twice daily for one week.

Be careful not to spray the grass, as the soapy water kills all plants it touches.