Does Lightning Make Grass Green?

Published Categorized as Lawn Care
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Does lightning make grass green? This question makes many gardeners and homeowners curious. But to comprehend the science behind greener grass after lightning, you must understand the nitrogen cycle. Find out whether grass becomes green after lightning in this science-backed article.

Lightning makes grass green by providing a lot of nitrogen to the soil through the nitrogen cycle. It accelerates the nitrogen cycle by transforming the nitrogen into nitrogen oxide while still in the atmosphere. Once the small particles of this compound reach the ground, the turf roots absorb it immediately.

So, the grass will grow faster and greener a few days after lightning. If it is accompanied by rainfall, your lawn will appear plumper and greener immediately.

Does Lightning Make Grass Greener?

Does Lightning Make Grass Green

The short answer to this question is yes; lightning helps make your grass greener as it helps in the nitrogen cycle. This cycle is about how lightning or rain pushes down the nitrogen in the atmosphere to the earth.

The nitrogen conveyed to the ground by rain must be broken down first to become accessible to grass. This means your lawn will receive this nitrogen boost a few days after rainfall if it isn’t accompanied by lightning.

However, the grass becomes greener and healthier if good rainfall accompanies lightning. This rain saturates the soil completely and perks up the grass blades. It also washes debris and other dirt off the turf, making it plumper, brighter, and fresher than usual. Therefore, rain and not nitrogen make the grass look more vibrant immediately after lightning.

On the other hand, lightning immensely accelerates the nitrogen cycle. It transforms nitrogen into nitrogen oxide, an effective fertilizer, while still in the atmosphere. Once this nitrogen oxide reaches the soil, the grass roots absorb it immediately as it requires no breaking down.

However, it’ll take at least five days for the nitrogen absorbed by roots to exert its effects on the lawn. That’s why the grass grows faster and looks greener a few weeks after a lightning strike. But if the lightning is accompanied by rainfall, you’ll notice vibrant grass immediately.

But now, here is a million-dollar question:

How Much Nitrogen Does Lightning Produce Per Acre?

Scientists believe that lighting is the source of over 250,000 tons of nitrogen annually across the globe. If this is anything to believe, lightning produces 1-50 pounds (454 grams – 23 kilograms) of nitrogen per acre.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Does lightning fertilize the soil?

A: Yes, lightning makes grass greener by generating natural fertilizer in the soil. This is because the nitrogen in the atmosphere is broken down into several nitrogen atoms by lightning. The oxygen molecules in the air combine with these nitrogen atoms before making their way into the soil. Grasses then absorb them as nitrogen fertilizer, making the grass greener.

Q: Do plants grow better because of lightning?

A: There is no proper research to show plants grow better because of lightning. First, for plants to germinate and grow healthy, they require a steady and continuous nitrogen supply. However, the nitrogen oxide from lightning in the soil is unreliable for a significant period. Although this nitrogen fertilizer is readily usable by plants, it’s never frequent enough to boost plant growth.


Does lightning make grass green? Most lawn owners get curious about this whenever they’re expecting a thunderstorm. The answer is yes.

Usually, grass appears greener after lightning as it provides a lot of nitrogen to the soil through the nitrogen cycle. This lightning converts nitrogen in the atmosphere into nitrogen dioxide, an effective fertilizer.

So, the grass will grow faster and appear greener a few days after the lightning. However, if it is accompanied by rainfall, the grass will appear more vibrant immediately as the turf gets washed and hydrated.